It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of chasing dreams — I know because I’ve certainly been there many times over the years.
Just recently I had the opportunity to connect with fellow composer Phil Larson, who also hosts Your Motivational High 5 Podcast, to talk about a question that I’ve been thinking about for quite some time now:
Is it possible that I am so focused on the dreams and successes of tomorrow, that I’m missing the life that I have today?
Chasing a dream, especially a large dream, can take a heavy toll on your life; I know many people can relate to the pressure and even dissatisfaction that can come from the pursuit of a dream.
You can hear my thoughts on this topic and what I’ve discovered in my own life in Episode 30: On Dreams! You can either listen below, listen on iTunes, or download the episode (android users).
Phil has a lot of great wisdom and features many awesome guests on his podcast. Make sure to subscribe on itunes and get access to upcoming shows! You can also stay up to date on the Your Motivational High 5 Facebook Page or visit The Story Shop website.
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